Depression Treatment Center in New York

Depression Treatment

Mental Health

Depression Treatment

If you have ever felt particularly sad, you might wonder whether you are experiencing signs of depression or normal feelings of sadness. Clinical psychologists have debated what causes depression and how depression differs from experiencing deep sadness. If searching for depression and mental health treatment near New Jersey, contact Water Gap Wellness Center today.

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what we treat

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder that affects almost 50% of the population, impacting women more than men. The symptoms can compound over time without proper help from a depression treatment center. Without proper help, untreated depression can lead to other mental health disorders like anxiety. Many people who don't visit a depression treatment center also turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate.
What Are the Signs of Depression?

Symptoms of Depresssion

What Are the Signs of Depression?

Symptoms and signs of depression can vary from one person to another, especially if additional mental health disorders or substance abuse issues exist. However, there are some similarities.


Many people struggle with feelings of worthlessness. When these feelings arise, it’s common for people to no longer value their lives, to pull away from those who loved them, and to struggle with inadequacy. That inadequacy can include feeling unworthy of friends or loved at all.


Many people struggle to find satisfaction in hobbies or activities they once loved. Feelings of hopelessness can arise. This can manifest as angry outbursts or irritability. It can even take the form of a physical manifestation of hopelessness, like sexual dysfunction.

Physical Signs

Physical signs of depression can include sleeping far too much or too little. Similarly, it can consist of eating too much or too little. You might start taking care of yourself or caring about your hygiene.

Full Spectrum of Programs and Services

We Treat the Person, Not the Diagnosis.

Our holistic approach is designed to restore balance, and re-calibrate the mind, body and spirit through a combination of masterfully-planned clinical sessions and extraordinary experiential experiences.

Our programs are licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services and the Drug and Alcohol Programs of Pennsylvania and offer an on-site Psychiatrist five days each week, two 1-on-1 sessions weekly with masters-level clinicians, group therapy daily, relapse prevention through exposure therapy, seasoned mental health professionals and so much more.

How to Treat Depression

Depression Treatment Center

How to Treat Depression

If you are struggling with any of these signs, a depression treatment center can help you by providing therapy and medication. 

A depression treatment center like ours will start with an evaluation or assessment. This helps determine what type of therapy program might be best suited for your situation.

You can choose between inpatient and outpatient programs depending on your circumstances. 

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

Inpatient treatment means you live at the depression treatment center. This allows you to focus entirely on your mental health recovery while the facility takes care of your meals and accommodations. 

In some cases, you might start with an inpatient program and graduate to an outpatient program as you can better take care of yourself.

With outpatient, you can finish an inpatient program and move into an outpatient program or choose an outpatient program as your starting point. With an outpatient program, you live and eat at home and take care of yourself and your daily activities, but you also participate in a part-time or full-time therapy schedule. 


Therapy often includes individual and group sessions using a variety of psychotherapies, such as the following:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  3. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  4. Family Therapy
  5. Group Therapy 

Holistic treatment might be a part of your program as well. Holistic therapy can include meditation, mindfulness, music therapy, art therapy, or yoga. Each facility specializes in different psychotherapy options, which is why it’s essential to find a depression treatment center that provides the combination of resources that are most effective for your situation.


SSRIs are the most common medication for treating depression. These help to ease general symptoms. Other medications might include antipsychotics to reduce very specific depression symptoms or anxiolytics to relieve tension and help you sleep.

Get Financial Assistance

We Accept Most Major Insurance

Many insurance plans cover the cost of Water Gap Wellness Center’s treatment plans – Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Rehab. Although Water Gap Wellness Center accepts benefits from most major insurers, it is essential to verify coverage before admission. Your admission counselor partners with you to determine coverage and benefits from companies like Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, UHC, UMR, Humana, Magellan, Horizon, etc.

What Causes Depression?

When asking the question, what causes depression, it is important to understand that there is a wide range of risk factors that can influence the chances of a person developing depression, rather than a singular cause.


Your genetics can be a significant factor in determining how likely you are to develop a depressive disorder, how likely you are to develop an addiction, and much more. Women, for example, are more likely to suffer from depression than men. Studies also show that a person with a family history of depression could be up to three times more likely to develop a depression disorder themselves.


Your environment can contribute to depression. Living in an abusive environment, witnessing crime or drug use regularly, being neglected, or living in poverty can all contribute to higher levels of depression. 

Studies indicate that children exposed to violence, neglect, or live in extreme poverty have structural changes in specific areas of the brain and are less able to moderate things like anxiety levels, depression, resting adrenaline rate, and emotional stability as they grow up. 


Trauma can lead to depression. Trauma can include things that happened directly to you or things that happened to a loved one. The unexpected loss of a loved one, being the victim of assault or a violent act, or being on the frontlines of war or an emergency can all qualify as traumatic events that can lead to the development of depression if not properly treated.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are often brought about by pregnancy or childbirth. For that reason, after a complicated childbirth, or even a successful one, women can struggle with an immediate and severe change in hormones leading to depression. In these cases, it can be incredibly challenging at the moment, but symptoms will slowly fade over time as a person’s hormones return to normal.


Addiction changes the chemical structure and function of your brain. Drug abuse can change what hormones are produced, how often, and what gets absorbed by your body. Unfortunately, at least one-third of people with depression also have an addiction. 

People with diagnosed or undiagnosed depression often use drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication. This then changes the brain structure and makes depression worse. Or, someone without depression starts using, and the changes in their brain cause depression.

In the case of a person experiencing symptoms associated with drug abuse and mental health concerns, it may be essential to find dual diagnosis treatment options. Water Gap Wellness Center is a drug rehab near New York and New Jersey, providing comprehensive substance abuse, mental health, and dual diagnosis treatment programs.

Water Gap Wellness Center's Depression Treatment Program

How to Find A Tri-State Depression Treatment Center

Over 60% of prescriptions for depression are prescribed by doctors who are not psychiatrists. This means that they don’t necessarily prescribe them as the ideal treatment for mental health issues. 

While well-intentioned, these same doctors are often overworked, so they aren’t looking into what causes depression in each patient, let alone the causes of depression that are overlapping. At best, they listen for approximately 6 minutes for signs of depression and then write a prescription. 

Studies indicate that depression mediation is not effective on its own long term. So getting real help means reaching out to facilities specializing in mental health treatment. Medication may be a part of your recovery, but it is most effective when coupled with legitimate therapy like CBT or ACT. We provide dual diagnosis treatment for depression and addiction. 

Water Gap Wellness Center is a mental health retreat in Pennsylvania. Here, you can work with a team of trained mental health professionals who will listen to you for more than six minutes and who won’t just write you off by writing a prescription. Instead, you get caring, compassionate staff who help you identify what causes depression in your situation and how to take control. 

Let Water Gap Wellness Center help you overcome your depression today.

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